Gitkraken Gitlab

Gitkraken boards add gitlab self-hosted

GitKraken Git GUI makes it easy to work with your GitLab Self-Managed Issues.

The GitLab Self-Managed Issues integration is view-only for free users. To unlock all features for the integration, consider upgrading to GitKraken Pro .

Save time by leveraging GitKraken’s integration with GitLab to do things like generate and connect SSH keys, find available remote repositories to clone, and more—all without ever leaving GitKraken. GitKraken is a Git GUI client for Windows, Mac and Linux. The GitKraken Git GUI now integrates with GitLab Issues. Lauren Witte Girard. GitKraken GitKraken Git GUI v7.0: Jira Integration. Note 📝 - GitKraken uses your SSH key defined in Preferences SSH for git operations unless you set up a GitLab-specific SSH key, or enable your local SSH Agent. Once your GitLab account has been connected to GitKraken, you may easily generate an SSH key and add it to your GitLab account from Preferences Integrations. Based on that URL, I strongly suspect that your university is using a self-hosted instance of GitLab. According to their Twitter account, as of March 10, 2017, GitKraken does not support self-hosted GitLab instances. I would like to integrate my GitLab account with GitKraken through the PreferencesAuthenticationConnect to GitLab feature in GitKraken. However this redirects to and my GitLab account is provided through my unversity at my university credentials at doesn't work and I can't figure out how to integrate the version of GitLab.

Connect GitLab Self-Managed Integration


The GitLab Self-Managed Issues Integration requires GitLab Self-Managed version 13.1 or newer to function

The GitLab Self-Managed integration and GitLab Self-Managed Issues integration share the same connection. You can Set up the integration from the ISSUES pane in the left panel or from Preferences Integrations.

Follow the instructions here to get connected to your GitLab Self-Managed instance.

GitLab Self-Managed Integration features

Once connected, the GitLab Self-Managed integration shares the same features as the GitLab integration.

The GitKraken Git GUI now integrates with GitHub & GitHub Enterprise Issues


Mighty Keif the Kraken has reached across the interweb to join tentacles with his good friend Mona the Octocat once again. 🦑🤝🐙 But this time, it’s all about the issues.

The GitKraken Git GUI now supports issue tracking integrations for GitHub and GitHub Enterprise! If you already use GitKraken to manage your GitHub repositories, optimize your workflow even further with new benefits offered in GitKraken Git GUI v7.3.

If you use GitHub or GitHub Enterprise issue trackers, you can now accomplish the following actions directly from the GitKraken Git GUI:

  • View GitHub issues
  • Create filters for GitHub issues
  • View GitHub issue details
  • Create branches tied to GitHub issues
  • Edit the assignee(s) of a GitHub issue*
  • Edit the state of a GitHub issue*
  • Add/remove labels on a GitHub issue*
  • Comment on a GitHub issue*
  • Create new GitHub issues*

*Paid features.

Even if you don’t use GitHub Issues, GitKraken Git GUI v7.3 includes more ink-credible features and improvements. Let’s dive in! 🌊

GitKraken Git GUI v7.3: GitHub Issue Tracking Integration

Integrating Your Issue Tracker

Courtesy of this release, we have improved the setup process for all integrated issue trackers.

Navigate to PreferencesIssue Tracker and select your issue tracker of choice from a dropdown menu. Here, you may also choose to select a default issue tracker for all repos.

View and Filter GitHub Issues

Once connected, your issue tracker will appear in the issue section on the left panel.

Make it easy to find the issues you access the most by creating filters for your GitHub issues.

View and Edit GitHub Issue Details

Hover over an issue from the left panel to see a preview. From here, you may also select an issue to see complete issue details in a dedicated view.

From the details view, paid GitKraken Git GUI users can complete the following edits to GitHub and GitHub Enterprise issues:

  • Edit assignee of issue
  • Edit state of issue
  • Add/remove labels
  • Leave a comment

To edit GitHub issues, upgrade to a paid GitKraken Git GUI plan for as low as $29/year!

Create Branches Tied to GitHub Issues

From the details view, you can also create branches tied to GitHub issues. You will have the ability to select the base of the branch, and the issue title will become the name of the branch.

Create New GitHub Issues

The GitHub Issues integration allows you to create new issues directly from the GitKraken Git GUI. Simply click the green + button next to your GitHub issue tracker from the left panel to open the GitHub issue template.

Complete the fields—required fields will have an asterisk—and click Create Issue. Once created, you may view the issue directly on GitHub or GitHub Enterprise.

To create new GitHub issues, upgrade to a paid GitKraken Git GUI plan for as low as $29/year!

And, to make things even easier, you can click on an issue from the left panel to access options to View issue in GitHub or Copy issue link.

More Updates in v7.3

In addition to adding GitHub and GitHub Enterprise issue tracking integration, GitKraken Git GUI v7.3 has treasures for everyone.

Gitkraken Gitlab Flow

Set Default Branch Name

Now, when you initialize a new repository in the GitKraken Git GUI, you will have the ability to set a default branch name. This can also be configured from the Preferences menu.

More Options for Forking Repositories

More gold for GitHub users! 🏅

Create Forks for Remote GitHub Repos

When working with a GitHub repository in the GitKraken Git GUI, you will now see a context menu option in the left panel to fork a remote repository, if you don’t already have an existing fork.

Add Existing Fork to Cloned GitHub Repos


You will now see a dismissible pop-up in the left panel giving you the option to add an existing fork of a cloned GitHub repository.

Gitkraken Gitlab Issues

Improve Your GitHub Issues with GitKraken

No more need for context switching to stay on track of your GitHub or GitHub Enterprise issues. Use the available GitKraken Git GUI issue tracking integrations—Jira Cloud, Jira Server, GitKraken Boards, Trello, GitLab, GitLab Self-Managed, GitHub, and GitHub Enterprise—to optimize your workflow and git more done.

Gitkraken Gitlab Private Repo

Does the GitKraken Git GUI integrate with your issue tracker? See available issue tracking integrations and more jaw-dropping features of the most popular graphical user interface for Git.

Gitkraken Gitlab

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