Slack Zeplin

Slack Zeplin

Imagine all your team communication in one place, instantly searchable, available wherever you go. That’s Slack. It brings all your communication together in one place. It’s real-time messaging, archiving and search for modern teams.

You can add a Zeplin project to your Slack channel by selecting “Add to Slack” from the Integrations menu, located on the right panel of your project dashboard. A window will pop up asking you to sign into your Slack workspace. Enter in your workspace’s Slack URL then click “Continue”. Slack, Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, and Pixelmator are some of the popular tools that integrate with Zeplin.Here's a list of all 6 tools that integrate with Zeplin.

Slack zeplin integration
  • Connecting Zeplin to Slack helps you and your team stay up to date with notifications about updates and messages in your projects and styleguides. When the Slack integration is enabled for a project or styleguide, Zeplin will automatically send notifications to your Slack channel.
  • Slack integration. Zeplin integrates with Slack. If you use Slack, consider activating the integration, especially if you find it hard to keep up with what the designers are adding and changing. When clicking on something in Zeplin you get a list of properties for stuff like colors, font type.
Zeplin slack notifications

As Zeplin team, we started using Slack a year ago. And it’s been 7 months since Slack started using Zeplin :) We love you guys <3

We talked to Shannon, Product designer at Slack about their handoff experience with Zeplin:

How was your design handoff process before Zeplin?

Redlining and full speccing took way too much time and wasn’t as flexible as I would’ve liked. Every little tweak turned into a huge job of updating screens and assets.

Zeplin slack 連携
'I absolutely love how everyone is on the same page for layout, sizing, and colors - it saves me so much time, it’s crazy.'

Once concepts are in a more solidified state I push my screens out to Zeplin. Each of my Zeplin projects are based on feature flows. This way the whole team gets their eyes on it nice and early and allows us to nail down things that might have been previously overlooked. From there we just continue to iterate and tweak, and the newest stuff is always publically available to the team. This allows the devs to get a good jump on features and design no longer feels like a bottleneck.

What you think about Zeplin so far?

In regards to layouts, it meets most of our needs. We’ve had a bit of confusion around updated screens etc. because it doesn’t automatically alert people, but I guess that’s a good problem to have because it shows that we use it quite frequently. I absolutely love how everyone is on the same page for layout, sizing, and colors - it saves me so much time, it’s crazy.

Zeplin Slack Notifications

'Makes designing for Android in general way more pleasant!'

Zeplin really holds me accountable for my designs - right from the get go I have to be conscious of my padding/fonts/layouts and it’s making me better at my job. It’s also wonderful because I get to design in xxhdpi and my team can grab all the measurements in mdpi. Makes designing for Android in general way more pleasant!

Also one of the developers in Shannon’s team added:

Having the ability to quickly get the measurement that is most useful to me and not the one deemed most useful by the designer is invaluable. For example, I’d always get redlines telling me measurements from the top of a textview to the top of a cell, but thanks to Android’s font rendering, that’s not helpful in getting things lined up perfectly. Just moving my mouse around showing me all the things I can measure distance against is just awesome.

How do you spend the free time that Zeplin saves you?

In the time that Zeplin saves me I get to iterate and tweak and do the creative work I enjoy most!

☝️ If this is your first time using Zeplin with Slack, you may need to contact a Slack teamadmin to add integrations to channels. Once the Zeplin integration is added to your workspace, you can continue the steps below to add projects.
You can add a Zeplin project to your Slack channel by selecting “Add to Slack” from the Integrations menu, located on the right panel of your project dashboard.

A window will pop up asking you to sign into your Slack workspace. Enter in your workspace’s Slack URL then click “Continue”.

Next, select the channel where you would like to receive notifications from Zeplin and click “Allow”.

You have now successfully connected to Slack! Once your project is linked to Slack, notifications related to the project will appear for everyone in that Slack channel.

Slack Zeplin Integration

Adding multiple projects

You can add another project to same Slack channel by simply clicking the 'Add to Slack' button again from the Integrations menu. For now, it’s only possible to add one project at a time.

Slack Zeplin Integration

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