Visio Viewer Edge

Access and interact with your Visio diagrams on the go - process diagrams, cross functional flowcharts, network diagrams, org charts, timelines, floor layouts, UML diagram and many more. This update supports the full set of Intune MAM capabilities, including our app-level data protection policies that can be applied with or without MDM device. The Visio Viewer does some kind of reduction, making the fonts look pixelated. I can't for the life of me find a way to center the diagram to fill the page and then print this. I've tried a couple of separate tools, like visViewer, but they can't achieve this either. It is suggested to use supported program for Visio Viewer 2016. Personal suggestion, please try to use IE 11 in Compatibility View and Visio Viewer is implemented as an ActiveX control that loads and renders Visio drawings inside Internet Explorer. Please refer to the steps below to change the way Internet Explorer handles ActiveX controls:1. Here are the answers to commonly asked questions about Visio for the web. If you are looking to get started, see View, create, and edit a diagram in Visio for the web. If you're new to using Visio, see Beginner tutorial for Visio. Is there a free version of Visio?

  1. Visio Viewer Edge
  2. Download Visio Free Full Version
  3. Download Microsoft Visio Viewer
  4. Microsoft Visio Free
.vsd Extension - List of programs that can open .vsd files

In the following table, you can find a list of programs that can open files with .vsd extension.This list is created by collecting extension information reported by users through the 'send report' option of FileTypesMan utility.
The product name, description, and company name are taken from the version information of the .exe file.The 'Actions' list is taken from the context menu items added to Explorer by the specified program.The 'Popularity' column displays one of the following 4 values: Low, Medium, High, and Very High, which is determined according to the number of users that sent the specified record.

EXE NameProduct NameDescriptionCompanyActionsPopularity
fvp.exeFile Viewer PlusFile Viewer PlusSharpened ProductionsopenLow
iexplore.exeInternet ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationOpenLow
iexplore.exeWindows? Internet ExplorerInternet ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationOpenLow
iexplore.exeWindowsR Internet ExplorerInternet ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationOpenLow
iexplore.exeInternet ExplorerInternet ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationOpenHigh
iexplore.exeInternet ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationOpenVery High
iexplore.exeInternet ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationOpenLow
pdfcreator.exePDFCreatorPDFCreatorpdfforge PDF und Bilddateien mit PDFCreatorLow
sdraw.exeLibreOfficeLibreOffice DrawThe Document FoundationNew, open, print, printtoMedium
VISIO.EXEMicrosoft Office VisioMicrosoft CorporationNew, Open, Print, Print ToMedium
VISIO.EXEMicrosoft VisioMicrosoft Office VisioMicrosoft CorporationOpen, Print, Print ToLow
VISIO.EXEMicrosoft Office 2010Microsoft VisioMicrosoft CorporationNew, Open, Open as Read-Only, Print, Print ToMedium
VISIO.EXEMicrosoft? Office Visio? 2007Microsoft Office VisioMicrosoft CorporationNew, Open, Print, Print ToLow
VISIO.EXEMicrosoft Office 2013Microsoft VisioMicrosoft CorporationEdit, New, Open, Open as Read-Only, Print, Print ToLow

In the following table, you can find a list of file types information that is associated with .vsd extension.

Type NameDescriptionPerceived TypeContentTypeDLL/EXE FileDLL/EXE DetailsPopularity
Microsoft Visio 2000/XP/2003 Documentsoffice.binLibreOffice, The Document FoundationLow
LibreOffice.VsdVisio DrawingFVP.EXEFile Viewer Plus, Sharpened ProductionsLow
LibreOffice.VsdMicrosoft Visio 2000/XP/2003 Dokumentsoffice.binLibreOffice, The Document FoundationLow
LibreOffice.VsdMicrosoft Visio 2000/XP/2003 Documentsoffice.binLibreOffice, The Document FoundationMedium
Visio.Drawing.11Desenho do Microsoft Visio 2003-2010application/vnd.visioLow
Visio.Drawing.11Microsoft Office Visio-Zeichnungapplication/vnd.visioLow
Visio.Drawing.11Microsoft Visio 2003-2010 Drawingapplication/vnd.visiovisicon.exeMicrosoft Office 2016 component, Microsoft CorporationLow
Visio.Drawing.11Microsoft Visio Drawingapplication/vnd.visiovisicon.exeMedium
Visio.Drawing.11Microsoft Office Visio Drawingapplication/vnd.visiovisicon.exe2007 Microsoft Office component, Microsoft CorporationMedium
VisioViewer.ViewerMicrosoft Visio Documentapplication/ Office Visio Viewer, Microsoft CorporationVery High
VisioViewer.Viewer.1Microsoft Visio Documentapplication/ High
Registry keys related to this extension


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